Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mommy Calling Cards

I've come across some pretty amazing blogs- And am blown away by the creativity. It's the "Martha Stewart's" of the world that put the rest of us to shame. I secretly long to be Martha Stewart, but find it to be so exhausting to try to be that creative soul. I find myself competing to be what? I'm not sure. I consider myself a scrapbooker but find it creatively exhausting to be a scrapbooker. Have you ever looked at the magazines? There's creativity galore and it has this ability to make me feel inadequate. *Ironically, I find myself using the magazines to scrap-lift ideas so I get these fabulous looking books, but aren't really of my own making?

I found a website for Mommy calling cards- you know for all those mom's who just give out their "business" cards. My card might read: Mamabear, mother of Babybear and then we list our contact info.

Even though I would love to have a mommy card, I'm not sure who I would give it to- well, I'm not sure that I could give it to someone who would appreciate it as much as I would. Most of the mom's I know would laugh and toss it to the corner...


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